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L’Oreal Paris Colorista Effect Bleach Kit, Permanent, Hair Bleach, A..

Best price: £7.99
  • At-home hair bleach, Ammonia-free with an oil-powered formula, ..
  • Delivers a light, pure blonde with no brassiness or harshness, ..
  • Read instructions. Patch test 48 hrs before use. 1) Wearing glo..
  • Oil-based formula suitable for all hair types, Applicator tip f..
  • Contents: 1x L'Oral Paris Colorista Effect Bleach, Box includes..

Product Attributes

  • Width: 2.2 inches,
  • Height: 6.8 inches,
  • Weight: 0.5 Pounds,
  • Length: 3.7 inches,
  • Size: 1 Count (Pack of 1)




47.7% 13.6% 38.7%

Senti Score  [61.3%]

La Riche Directions Alpine Green Semi-Permanent Hair Colour

Best price: £6.58
  • Long-lasting semi-permanent hair colour
  • Best applied to chemically treated hair
  • It has a great conditioning effect

Product Attributes

  • Width: 2.2 inches,
  • Height: 2.8 inches,
  • Weight: 0.2 Pounds,
  • Length: 2.2 inches,
  • Size: 89 ml (Pack of 1)




47.7% 9.6% 42.7%

Senti Score  [57.3%]

* hover your mouse over a word to see more details

L’Oreal Paris Colorista Effect Bleach Kit, Permanent, Hair Bleach, A..

amazing darker excellent product good absolute waste absolute mess really pleased lovely messy leave patchy worst smelling great absolutely gorgeous vibrant disappointed

La Riche Directions Alpine Green Semi-Permanent Hair Colour

wrong amazing best absolutely beautiful leave complete waste darker absolutely stunning disappointed great gorgeous silver colour vibrant lovely worst toners stain absolute waste

Compare Cons

absolute waste in both products

"absolute waste of money"

really disappointing in both products

"however the results were really disappointing"

really disappointed in both products

"i was excited to try this and unfortunately i was really disappointed!"

very disappointed in both products

"very disappointed"

really annoying in both products

"the dye would spill from the brush and what was really annoying was that it would immerse in the bathtub and sink porcelain!"

very messy in both products

"as you probably have read this product is very messy and not the typical formula where at home you can just slap it on your head like usual"

does n't work in both products

"don’t by it doesn’t work !"

virgin hair in both products

"i have afro 4b hair and i had grown it out so it was virgin hair so didn't think i'd have problems with the dye"

didnt work in both products

"as a last try i ordered the colorista planning to just go plum again if this didnt work"

very patchy in both products

"this has left my hair an awful colour very patchy"

waste your money in both products

"pretty sure this product is a cheap replica do not waste your money"

waste of money in both products

"waste of money"

waste of time in both products

"waste of time"

terrible product in both products

"terrible product"

dying my hair in both products

"i've been dying my hair for 15 years plus and i know the smell can be quite strong"

fades quite quickly in both products

"it fades quite quickly but you do get the exact colour on the box"

would not buy again in both products

"this dye stunk and went everywhere so i probably would not buy again"

very disappointing in both products

"and that's the most important part it's very disappointing"

waste of my money in both products

"waste of my money and now i'll look like a fool at work until i can buy some real hair dye"

will never in both products

"i also resent the fact i had to buy 2 of these as i now have a brand new box i will never use!"

cold water in both products

"problem is that despite using the included cream and also always using dyed hair shampoo + washing with cold water my hair still bleeds a lot of the colour in every wash"

would not recommend in both products

"would not recommend"

very small in both products

"as per my pictures they were very small and so cheaply made that they ripped when i put both gloves on making them not really fit for purpose !"

worst smelling

"it’s not the worst smelling bleach i’ve used it’s easy to use and apply"

absolute mess

"i ended up with some peachy pink look its was shocking i used three boxes thinking this time it will work and it never did wasted so much time and money on this product i'm actually gutted was so excited to use this brand spent nearly £50 on it and it made an absolute mess of my hair its very runny compared to other dyes my bathroom looked liked i'd slaughtered someone in there"

badly stained

"it ruined some towels and my forehead and hands were badly stained"

absolute garbage

"absolute garbage"

total mess

"i can't risk ended up with a total mess on my head or completely unexpected result instead of the promised "high intensity shimmering colour"!"

worst hair

"therefore i would recommend to buying this product worst hair product ever brought"

absolutely crap

"absolutely crap i’ve not even had it in for two weeks n half of it’s washed out n gone patchy it might as well be classed as temporary i copied all the instructions perfectly n i did everything right"

feel awful

"very runny made my hair feel awful won't be using again"

real disappointment

"i have used other colorista products many times with good results so this was a real disappointment"

awful stuff

"can’t use this awful stuff again"

worst nightmare

"it was my worst nightmare!"

smells horrible

"smells horrible"

absolutely disappointed

"a waste of time absolutely disappointed did nothing to mousy brown hair"

awful hair

"so this is awful hair dye i used it washed it out until the water ran clear"

worst product

"this is the worst product i have ever used"

horrible blue hair

"going to have to purchase additional products now to rectify my horrible blue hair"

that bad either

"smell isnt that bad either !"

most disgusting

"i have to say this is the most disgusting smelling hair dye i have ever used"

which was disappointing

"faded very quickly which was disappointing!"

ridiculous price

"ridiculous price"

uneven colourwise

"my hair was uneven colourwise with roots and greys"

were useless

"it's not 5 stars as applying the dye isnt easy quick pouring liquid also the gloves were useless!"

hurts eyes

"45mins only down side is the very strong chemical smell that hurts eyes"

dont reconnend

"dont reconnend"

only issue

"my only issue is it has a chemically smell to it when applying so make sure your area is well ventilated"

false advertising

"completely false advertising as this washes out with the first wash"

covid hair

"do not buy this product no matter how bad your covid hair is"

more expensive

"dont waste your money and go for something more expensive"

small mine

"it would have had 5 stars as i am happy with the results but i dropped 1 star as it is not a gel it is extremely runny and i would recommend covering not only yourself but your whole bathroom when applying and the gloves provided are too small mine barely went over my fingers and they split down the sides whilst using them they seem to be designed for someone with very slender hands which i do not have so i will be purchasing a box of vinyl gloves for future use"

doesnt suit

"just glad it wont last long as the colour doesnt suit me unfortunately"

depressed pigion

"now i look like old hippie lady with hair in shade of depressed pigion"

dosent work

"dosent work as presented dosent work on pakistani hair dosent lighten hair enough to dye another color"

smells grim

"i love this colour it smells grim but that can't be helped i think it has strong lightener in it"

absolute nightmare

"absolute nightmare!"

dying procedure

"my hands were very red at the end of the dying procedure !"

were ridiculous

"but the fumes from this dye were ridiculous"

pretty angry

"pretty angry i’ve never had a problem with hair dye before"

tore so badly

"the first glove i put on tore so badly that the second one i put on like i was performing some kind of brain surgery only for them both to leak through anyway and cover my hands with the product"

drippy messy

"however the formula is drippy messy and hard to apply"

midget hands

"the gloves were for midget hands and i split them before i’d even got them over my thumb"

drown hair

"i have dark drown hair so i used bblonde bleach 30 volume and did two applications as one application would result you going ginger if your dark hair naturally"

faulty product

"sure i got a faulty product!"

causing irritation

"the only thing i will say is that the gloves are not great they broke easily i didnt realise it had a rip in between my fingers until it started causing irritation"

crazy dark

"my hair is now crazy dark can barely make out the purple"

would n't work

"brought for my daughter told her it wouldn’t work on light brown hair sister in law told her it wouldn’t work her older brother’s girlfriend told her it wouldn’t work the box said it wouldn’t work"

very watery

"also the dye was very watery and messy"

very painful

"the worse thing though is my scalp covered in open sores which are very painful"

utterly useless

"despite being utterly useless as "permanent" colour it is an excellent toner for bleached hair"

almost dark

"very impressed with how bright this has made my hair before i dyed it i was almost dark brown but had hints of other colours due to other dyes coming out"

fringe cuts

"maybe ignore the isolation 19 fringe cuts 😊"

absolute rubbish

"absolute rubbish"

wasted my money

"i then read into the reviews and was a bit dis heartened as i thought i had wasted my money and the product wouldn’t work"

dying dark

"i got this cause i had grey roots and was fed up dying dark"

dyes fault

"couldn't advise using on bleach blonde hair it'll fade quicker i had a bleached streak which used to be red when the rest of my hair was black and you can still see it not that that's the dyes fault!"

scalp itch

"there wasnt a noticable blue in my hair' it also made my scalp itch after i had washed out"

water messy

"runny like water messy does not last 2 washes"

stays forever

"red usually stays forever in your hair anyway but usually i go by live every time"

dark purple

"i was dark brown with blonde ombre and very long hair to just above elbow and i used 1 box of dark purple"

dark blonde

"had to do a few applications to go platinum blonde and my hair is only dark blonde now"

absolutely horrendous

"absolutely horrendous product very watery and burnt the back of my neck and ear which was left scabby and bleeding would never buy this product again"

packaged disgraceful

"i cant believe this is how my product came packaged disgraceful"

avoid chlorine

"wash in coldest water possible and avoid chlorine"

split down

"it would have had 5 stars as i am happy with the results but i dropped 1 star as it is not a gel it is extremely runny and i would recommend covering not only yourself but your whole bathroom when applying and the gloves provided are too small mine barely went over my fingers and they split down the sides whilst using them they seem to be designed for someone with very slender hands which i do not have so i will be purchasing a box of vinyl gloves for future use"

smell too good

"easy to apply but doesn’t smell too good"

didnt take

"sides still didnt take and the rinsing washed out some existing color"

burned my head

"burned my head and stunk up my room the whole time"

worse thing

"the worse thing though is my scalp covered in open sores which are very painful"

cheap replica

"pretty sure this product is a cheap replica do not waste your money"

burned my throat

"and i was in a well ventilated room the colour its self is lovely and was easy to apply just the smell was very overwhelming and felt like it burned my throat"

wooden floors

"does not clean off paint work plastic bath or wooden floors"

pretty sceptical

"considering that the last time i bought a silver hair dye from loreal ny hair went green i was pretty sceptical"

very low volume

"i think the developer in this kit is very low volume"

soon enough

"doesn’t last too long anyway so soon enough you’ll need to touch up or brighten the colour again"

dropped 1 star

"it would have had 5 stars as i am happy with the results but i dropped 1 star as it is not a gel it is extremely runny and i would recommend covering not only yourself but your whole bathroom when applying and the gloves provided are too small mine barely went over my fingers and they split down the sides whilst using them they seem to be designed for someone with very slender hands which i do not have so i will be purchasing a box of vinyl gloves for future use"

least favorite

"i officially have a new least favorite hair dye"

application difficult

"which makes application difficult and very messy"

utterly rubbish product

"utterly rubbish product"

just ridiculous

"i'm very experienced with red hair dye and i know to expect a little colour to come off onto my pillow but this is just ridiculous"

unusable bin bag gloves

"from the unusable bin bag gloves to the watery messy and strong smelling product"

made it worse

"my hair is naturally dry and this made it worse but that’s to be expected from permanent colour"

baggage was damage

"wheny order came the baggage was damage"

brassy tones

"the only thing i didn't find very useful was the anti brass conditioner it didn't do anything to my hair or get rid of the brassy tones but as i was dying over the blonde anyway it didn't matter"

than dark grey

"i liked the colour i got for the first 2 to 3 washes but it fades really quickly and its more blue grey than dark grey"

died it blonde

"i wanted to make my hair a bit light since i died it blonde and it went quite orange and brassy it worked will still need a toner"

looks nothing

"it really looks nothing like the picture much more grey less silver!"

problem with hair

"pretty angry i’ve never had a problem with hair dye before"

cheaply made

"as per my pictures they were very small and so cheaply made that they ripped when i put both gloves on making them not really fit for purpose !"

poor quality

"also just for info the gloves are v poor quality"

less silver

"it really looks nothing like the picture much more grey less silver!"

definitely not permanent

"definitely not permanent"

burned my eyes

"the smell burned my eyes "

annoyed at l'oreal

"this product says its permanent and long lasting even though i've had it dyed it and then my hairs gone blonde in 6 days i'm really not happy its false advertised and i am very annoyed at l'oreal for this also when received the package the box was all open and not sealed as it should be"

ignore the isolation

"maybe ignore the isolation 19 fringe cuts 😊"

waste of 40 minutes

"waste of 40 minutes"

sore and itchy

"it’s sore and itchy and peeling"

stain in the area

"also make sure there's nothing to you want to not stain in the area as this stuff goes everywhere!"

very overwhelming

"and i was in a well ventilated room the colour its self is lovely and was easy to apply just the smell was very overwhelming and felt like it burned my throat"

stained them

"it has also got on all my tops and stained them!"

pale orange

"it was good bit then it dried and it turned out pale orange!"

dont waste

"dont waste your money or time"

ruined them

"ruined them too"

with colorista

"not with colorista!"

stripped down a few times

"i had dyed black hair for years which i obviously stripped down a few times before using this product"

hated this product

"hated this product"

patchy colour

"i have used this dye 3 times now and every single time it has faded after 2 weeks leaving me with this ridiculous patchy colour until i dye it again"

upsetting to hear

"that's upsetting to hear"

damaged my hair

"this has damaged my hair badly it now snaps off and is extremely dry"

does n't even

"my hair is blue and doesn’t even have full coverage"

leak through anyway

"the first glove i put on tore so badly that the second one i put on like i was performing some kind of brain surgery only for them both to leak through anyway and cover my hands with the product"

very poor quality

"very poor quality"

advised 48 hours

"i did a patch test as advised 48 hours before"

looked shocking

"it’s an awful colour looked shocking on"

silver tones

"after bleaching my hair three times to get to a platinum blonde this worked well to bring the silver tones out and i can honestly say it's a really good brand to use"

made me choke

"the smell was very strong and bad actually made me choke !"

watery splash

"too watery splash everywhere"

really bad condition wish

"i wanted my hair grey it turned out very dark brown horrible it also leaves hair in really bad condition wish i had never bought it i’m waiting on my hairdresser reopening so she can sort it out for me so annoyed disappointed just hate the colour"

offered for test

"a few shades were offered for test just in time and i ordered the box with bright red colour"

mixed reviews

"i read mixed reviews for this bleach"

contain bleach

"this product must contain bleach and it has dyed the dark parts of my hair a horrendous ginger colour"

everywhere didnt

"really runny so dripped everywhere didnt find it very easy to use because of this"

became light

"that’s my second order my hair became light pink instead of copper"

disappointed however

"havent used yet but from the reviews i wont be disappointed however when it arrived the box was all squashed and ripped but luckily everything was complete nothing missing"

crap product

"a cheap crap product!"

would n't use again

"definitely wouldn't use again"

very confused

"may have been an error on my part but the night after dying some of the dye rubbed on to my pillow which never happened before so was very confused"

runny so it drips

"it has dyed hair a beautiful dark blue but is so runny so it drips"

horrid smell

"i've washed my hair 3 times and still cant get the horrid smell out of it"

rest of the guidelines

"tried this product today left on for a little longer than advised followed the rest of the guidelines properly and my hair is still blonde!"

leave blonde

"leave blonde to the professionals please!"

error on my part

"may have been an error on my part but the night after dying some of the dye rubbed on to my pillow which never happened before so was very confused"

barely taken

"i have slightly dark brown hair and it’s barely taken"

repulsive for 2 days

"hair smelled repulsive for 2 days after using this and i accidently dyed some of my carpet red but i adore the colour so i bought another one"

applied it wrong

"idk if i applied it wrong"

would n't buy again

"definitly wouldn’t buy again"

slight shimmer

"oh i'm gutted i did the steps as stated and my dark brown hair never turned red : just a slight shimmer in the light : wanted red hair for xmas"

dying your hair

"i started reading the instructions and prepared to do my allergy test it's recommended 48 hours before dying your hair "

it done very long

"i can't say how long it lasts as i've not had it done very long but this is pretty good stuff especially if your very blonde already"

hair a bit coarse

"it’s made my hair a bit coarse but for me i’m happy because i have very done and flyaway hair so it has helped thicken it up a bit"

more the colour fades

"i love the colour but every time i wash my hair the more the colour fades"

dark brown

"my dark hair had been previously bleached then purple then dyed dark brown and then a colour remover used to take it to mid brown"

usual tingling

"once the product had been applied i experienced more than the usual tingling but persevered for the 30 minutes"

white bleach blonde

"so let's start with my hair was not a white bleach blonde perfect for this colour but it was a pretty blonde on the roots and then kind if silver ish as i had a silver toner on it"

complete nothing

"havent used yet but from the reviews i wont be disappointed however when it arrived the box was all squashed and ripped but luckily everything was complete nothing missing"

it's messy

"easy to use smell not to bad no worse than any other hair dye went on easy people have said it’s messy "

extremely runny

"it would have had 5 stars as i am happy with the results but i dropped 1 star as it is not a gel it is extremely runny and i would recommend covering not only yourself but your whole bathroom when applying and the gloves provided are too small mine barely went over my fingers and they split down the sides whilst using them they seem to be designed for someone with very slender hands which i do not have so i will be purchasing a box of vinyl gloves for future use"

painful and deadly

"while the chinese government has relaxed some of the provisions of their animal testing requirements for cosmetics it still requires that cosmetics companies pay for painful and deadly tests on animals in order to sell certain types of cosmetics"

sure as hell

"i 100% recommend this product and sure as hell will buy it again"

will not recomend

"will not recomend it"

have problems

"i have afro 4b hair and i had grown it out so it was virgin hair so didn't think i'd have problems with the dye"

n't go this colour

"didn't go this colour !"

have that problem

"i have that problem when 1 pack of colouring is not enough but two packs is to much"

before giving

"spent 40 mins trying to make it run clear before giving up"

it's not recommended

"i do leave it on longer than the instructions say which i'm going to guess it's not recommended but i keep my hair in good condition with various products and don't use hairdryer straightener etc so it's not damaged by the dyeing"

left for 35 minutes

"i left for 35 minutes in total checking every 10"

smells really

"also smells really bad"

many trips

"after many trips to various salons which were unable to achieve the colour i want i decided to use my first ever packet dye the colorista silver grey"

this problem

"i have been colouring my hair for 10 years and never have i ever had this problem before"

really bad headache

"i've been left with a really bad headache from the smell"

disgusting burnt my eyes

"scent disgusting burnt my eyes and i always dye my hair"

what i do not like

"however what i do not like is"

black plastic gloves

"the only thing i'd say was the black plastic gloves supplied were crap !"

which was n't ideal

"last order had no gloves which wasn't ideal"

still is n't blonde

"the girls hair is the same as mine i would say and i’m currently on box 4 of this bleach and it still isn’t blonde it’s gone orange not even a ginger colour literally orange yellow and white"

from the chemical

"the fumes were so strong stronger than other brands i've tried i did a half job of doing it because i felt like i was going to faint from the chemical fumes"

just hate the colour

"i wanted my hair grey it turned out very dark brown horrible it also leaves hair in really bad condition wish i had never bought it i’m waiting on my hairdresser reopening so she can sort it out for me so annoyed disappointed just hate the colour"

chemically smell

"my only issue is it has a chemically smell to it when applying so make sure your area is well ventilated"

squashed and ripped

"havent used yet but from the reviews i wont be disappointed however when it arrived the box was all squashed and ripped but luckily everything was complete nothing missing"

fades alot and

"im hoping it fades alot and i won't be putting this colour on again as my hair now looks black"

awful scary `` colour

"stripped all the colour and left my hair in awful scary “colour”"

very long hair

"blow dryed my hair and used my ghds i have very long hair down my back it msde my hair dry and sticky!"

not use this product

"please please do not use this product!"

n't touch the black

"so it did good but didn’t touch the black but wasn’t really expecting it to"

not buy this product

"do not buy this product no matter how bad your covid hair is"

would not use the product

"i looked in the mirror and wished so hard for time to go back so that i would not use the product"

buying a different dye

"i hated it so much i ended up buying a different dye and dying it the next day!"

no longer grey

"the colour goes very dark and then fades to a nice grey however after 7 washes my hair is no longer grey and is now an ash blonde"

pack of colouring

"i have that problem when 1 pack of colouring is not enough but two packs is to much"

load of rubbish

"it’s a load of rubbish!"

no greys for 4 weeks

"no greys for 4 weeks even then though the colour lasts and stays bright"

does n't grab on roots

"doesn’t grab on roots"

n't want the faff

"i have mid brown hair and don’t want to damage it further with bleach plus i don’t want the faff "

n't realised this bleach

"after i had purchased i hadn’t realised this bleach contains no ammonia which all my previous bleaches have"

minutes on his head

"he said he panicked after 10 minutes on his head as it went quite dark but he left it on for 30 minutes as stated and this is the outcome"

the typical formula

"as you probably have read this product is very messy and not the typical formula where at home you can just slap it on your head like usual"

been purple nothing

"bearing in mind it should’ve been purple nothing not even a strand of my few gray hairs had changed colour and before you think i don’t know what i’m doing i’ve been dying my hair for years "

throw it away

"didn’t work and had to throw it away "

make as much mess

"i would say you need a bowl and brush for this as to not make as much mess"

goes very dark

"the colour goes very dark and then fades to a nice grey however after 7 washes my hair is no longer grey and is now an ash blonde"

msde my hair

"blow dryed my hair and used my ghds i have very long hair down my back it msde my hair dry and sticky!"

n't bleached it blonde

"obviously it hasn’t bleached it blonde but that’s to be expected as my hair is dark brown and will take a couple of tries to get it to my desired colour"

ginger so not happy

"i bought silver hair dye and am now ginger so not happy"

applied thought it was

"made up per instructions and applied thought it was odd it didn’t have the usual smell that dyes have but thought maybe this is the bonus left on as per instructions and rinsed as per instructions"

vibrant and worst

"not at all vibrant and worst of all it did not match roots to tips"

small rip easy

"only downside is the gloves they are way too small rip easy and now i have red hands lol"

dark cherry

"nothing like the colour on the box at all it came out like a dark cherry red"

would n't use it again

"it didn’t turn my hair blonde it turned it yellow wouldn’t use it again"

resent the fact

"i also resent the fact i had to buy 2 of these as i now have a brand new box i will never use!"

will not last at

"this colour will not last at all"

does not last 2 washes

"runny like water messy does not last 2 washes"

through its black

"and one of our inquisitive dogs tried getting involved last time she used this and now has a red streak running through its black fur"

bleeding out of my hair

"4 washes later and it's still bleeding out of my hair to the point it's staining my nails"

barbie blonde locks

"dont expect beautiful barbie blonde locks with 1 application if you are dark"

stained every morning

"my fave neck and shoulder was stained every morning"

open and not sealed

"this product says its permanent and long lasting even though i've had it dyed it and then my hairs gone blonde in 6 days i'm really not happy its false advertised and i am very annoyed at l'oreal for this also when received the package the box was all open and not sealed as it should be"

from the reviews i wont

"havent used yet but from the reviews i wont be disappointed however when it arrived the box was all squashed and ripped but luckily everything was complete nothing missing"

goes a very long

"rinced off really easily and the conditioner is really nice a small amount goes a very long way "

permanent a big let down

"very disappointed this colour is not permanent a big let down"

leaches out of my hair

"i've been using black hair dye on my hair for many many years and have found previously that the dye leaches out of my hair within a week"

completely out of my hair

"as well as completely working on my roots the bleach also lifted the pink completely out of my hair"

completely burns my scalp

"first time i’ve purchased it off amazon and it completely burns my scalp"

end hair dyes

"i've been dying my hair since i was 14 almost 20 years and i've experienced high end and low end hair dyes and i've never been as dissatisfied with any of them as much as i have been with this product"

felt awful

"my hair is very long and dry and when i rinsed the colour out i was concerned as my hair felt awful"

developer in this

"i think the developer in this kit is very low volume"

and damaged feeling

"the bleach didn’t leave my hair as dry and damaged feeling as other bleaches"

dying for years

"been dying for years so it could b a build up"

hair aint grey

"but my hair aint grey aha"

help processing

"i covered my hair with a plastic bag to help processing and left on for 20 minutes"

hair is naturally

"my hair is naturally dry and this made it worse but that’s to be expected from permanent colour"

broke easily i didnt

"the only thing i will say is that the gloves are not great they broke easily i didnt realise it had a rip in between my fingers until it started causing irritation"

n't even take

"didn’t even take"

n't needed with this

"brilliant coverage for my hair with 1 box usually take 2 to get full coverage as my hair is quite thick but wasn't needed with this"

very little scent

"very easy to use simply instructions very little scent"

mess for the result

"but worth the mess for the result"

blotchy results

"i think many of the 'blotchy results' people may have is because it could have been mixed better in a bowl"

would n't buy this again

"wouldn't buy this again"

long locks

"no lightening your hair first just follow instructions 1 box contained enough dye for my long locks and i'm so so pleased with the results"

work at all no difference

"very disappointed as product didn’t work at all no difference"

same result nothing

"going by the instructions which are very easy to follow followed each step accurately and waited for the allotted time as stated then proceeded to washed the chemicals out and it didn't work alot all did it a second time as i didn't use the whole formula and waited again and same result nothing chaged"

n't even dark

"its supposed to be bright and shiny even on dark hair my hair isn't even dark and there's barely any colour at all"

hairdressers are re open

"my hubby is disappointed as he will look at my grey head likely until hairdressers are re open"

very disappointed and

"turned my hair purple trew the second pack away very disappointed and i've had to shave my hair off"

anyway it did n't matter

"the only thing i didn't find very useful was the anti brass conditioner it didn't do anything to my hair or get rid of the brassy tones but as i was dying over the blonde anyway it didn't matter"

blonde down

"its toned the blonde down and made it a nice shade"

dying over the blonde

"the only thing i didn't find very useful was the anti brass conditioner it didn't do anything to my hair or get rid of the brassy tones but as i was dying over the blonde anyway it didn't matter"

stripped all the colour

"stripped all the colour and left my hair in awful scary “colour”"

full 30 min wait time

"if u jst want a suttle grey silver i'd advise not going the full 30min wait time i'd leave it 5mins checking for the right coulor b4 washing"

n't expect much change

"i didn’t expect much change but was really surprised when i saw the colour!"

washed it more came

"however every time i washed it more came out"

purple toner shampoo

"i then thoroughly rinsed and applied number 4 which was the purple toner shampoo"

split them before

"the gloves were for midget hands and i split them before i’d even got them over my thumb"

blue and patchy

"i wouldn’t recommend this product came out blue and patchy turned green after one wash"

very thin liquid

"so messy as very thin liquid and splashed everywhere and drips"

washed the chemicals

"going by the instructions which are very easy to follow followed each step accurately and waited for the allotted time as stated then proceeded to washed the chemicals out and it didn't work alot all did it a second time as i didn't use the whole formula and waited again and same result nothing chaged"

minutes less than

"i'd bleached my hair to almost white and i left the dye on for 10 minutes less than recommended but it's gone very dark i immediatley shampooed to get some colour out"

worth the bad experience

"then comes the crunch is the colour worth the bad experience?"

done absolutely nothing

"i purchased 2 bottles and it done absolutely nothing to my hair"

fades really

"i liked the colour i got for the first 2 to 3 washes but it fades really quickly and its more blue grey than dark grey"

absolute waste in both products

"absolute waste of money"

really disappointing in both products

"it was really disappointing"

really disappointed in both products

"really disappointed"

very disappointed in both products

"violet directions did not show up at all on my hair very disappointed"

really annoying in both products

"however really annoying is what it did to my roots"

very messy in both products

"it did come off pretty well but still it is very messy if your doing it yourself like me"

does n't work in both products

"or if this just doesn’t work but i’m so disappointed"

didnt work in both products

"i brought this for my daughters hair after trying all those diy temporary jobs at home tissue paper chalk felt tips you name it it didnt work and she really wanted purple hair!"

virgin hair in both products

"i used the dye on my natural brown hair without bleaching beforehand and the colour lasted about 3 washes my bath was vibrant green every time i washed my hair the dye does not stick to virgin hair well which was a shame as i really liked the dark greeny blue colour it came out as"

very patchy in both products

"some parts are pretty white but it's very patchy overall i used a clarifying shampoo as recommend"

waste your money in both products

"please don't waste your money like i have"

waste of money in both products

"waste of money and cannot contact seller"

terrible product in both products

"i'm a hair dresser i've used these products b4 but will never use again terrible terrible product i've now had to book an appointment"

would not recommend in both products

"i will never use this product again and would not recommend it"

fades quite quickly in both products

"i will definitely be purchasing more as the only down side is the colour fades quite quickly "

would not buy again in both products

"nice for a cuz he but would not buy again"

very disappointing in both products

"very disappointing do not recommend"

waste of my money in both products

"waste of my money although cheap i’ve used some blue shades before and they are decent"

cold water in both products

"getting him to not wash it for the first two days and then on only with cool cold water to ensure the colour lasts longer : colour is apple green and was put on bleached hair"

very small in both products

"would recommend buying it but keep in mind that the tubs are very small"

complete waste

"complete waste of time money and effort!"

worst toners

"this is one of the worst toners i've used for reliability"

absolutely awful

"pastel pink absolutely awful dye more like conditioner"

been disappointed

"luckily i don't really mind as i've been purple before but if i was set on blue i would have been disappointed"

disappointed especially

"was really disappointed especially after i bleached and toned my hair for it to be a light colour"

made a mess

"didnt work on my hair just made a mess with everything that touched my head turned blue"

extremely pale

"i know it is a pastel colour but it is so extremely pale you could barely see it"

before dying

"that said i bleach my hair before dying so if you don't ymmv depending on your hair type & colour"

unhappy client

"i didn't check it but i used the colour on a client and the tone was too dark which resulted in a bad colour job and an unhappy client"

overly bleached

"i used this on overly bleached hair so after a few washes it started to fade really quickly which to be fair every colour i tried was doing so expected this to be no different"

fades quickly

"there’s a tiny tiny bit of a hue in light sometimes on my dark hair but it fades quickly which"

faint tint

"this product didnt take to nlindr hair could see a faint tint but barley any colour"

very difficult

"still getting rid of the color on the skin is very difficult i tried everything: soap of courses nail polish removal scrubs ashes"

fade however

"i was thinking about getting alpine green instead but it was too dark this does fade however after a couple of good washes"

only gripe

"my only gripe is that it is quite expensive for what it is i was shocked at the size of the tub!"

stain even

"beware that the dye can stain even after first wash so use old pillowcases"

nasty orange tint

"it wasn't as bad for me but it left a nasty orange tint to my roots that was not there before"

manic panic

"i should have gone with manic panic"

silly putty

"the dye smells like silly putty in the tub but had no odour at all when putting it on my hair"

fades green

"fades green"

annoyed haha

"like so long i'm getting annoyed haha"

very feint

"when washing my hair i use an anti dandruff shampoo and conditioner there has been some very feint staining on my white towels but again this completely disappears when washed"

very damaged

"used this on my bleached very damaged hair and mixed it with conditioner to get a lighter colour"

green tones

"however the last green tones were a nightmare to remove and i had to resort to more bleach when every other solution i tried failed me"

pale green

"the final result was a pale green"

small container

"quite a small container but it covered all of my hair"

avoid staining

"make sure you protect ears neck etc with vaseline to avoid staining!"

poorly bleached

"lasted 6 to 8 washes on poorly bleached thick hair"

almost untouched

"it made my roots purpley at the front made my fringe white but left the very cool blonde almost untouched"

padded envelope

"the tub was cracked on arrival in a padded envelope"

very misleading

"very misleading"

smaller than

"initial review to note that i have received this product pastel pink and another wisteria however have to order another of each as the tubs are smaller than i was expecting and i have fairly long thick hair"

only problem

"my only problem and the problem i have most with these dyes is that they stain really badly if you use them straight from the pot"

rather disappointing

"used on blonde hair and lasted 1 wash so rather disappointing"

mixed results

"i've tried a few of these directions semi permanent dyes on un bleached hair now and have had mixed results"

washed away

"first he found there were no instructions in english he went on line and found how to use the product spent quite some time following the instructions to the letter only to find at the end that all the colour had just washed away"

very expensive

"i had to have a very expensive colour correction before i had my highlights down again"

negative reviews

"i see a few negative reviews that can literally be explained by looking at the product more or maybe they don’t have much hair dye experience but anyway here’s some pointers: • this is vegetable dye"

were no instructions

"first he found there were no instructions in english he went on line and found how to use the product spent quite some time following the instructions to the letter only to find at the end that all the colour had just washed away"

fade too quickly

"doesn't fade too quickly either but best advise is use a gentle shampoo and keep the shower running cool when you rinse as using hot water will make the colour run quicker"

sons fringe

"i put it on my 9 year old sons fringe left it for the 15 mins as stated & rinsed washed straight out"

heat seals

"i have also found that heat seals the colour for lasting longer"

completely washed

"lasted about 8 weeks before it completely washed out and didn't leave any staining on my hair!"

colour doesnt

"colour doesnt take at all more repelled from the hair"

rather fast

"fades rather fast but if u add a little into your shampoo bottle just brightens up your colour with every wash"

weird blue

"and it is turquoise y too more blue than green but fades to a weird blue y green later on"

dried out straw

"my hair feels like dried out straw to the touch despite being super healthy and not having been dyed in over 14 month before using this"

remove yellow

"used to remove yellow from bleached blonde hair"

expected date

"the product arrived a day earlier than the expected date which was very pleasing!"

fussing around

"theres no fussing around with squeezing tubes into bottles and shaking them till your arm falls off just scoop out and apply"

doesnt smell

"good quality doesnt smell bad doesn't stain and gorgeous colour"

diluted bleach

"if the product stains the skin which it will if you let it gloves and keeping it off your face are essential diluted bleach was the only thing that we found that could remove it"

dying it dark

"bleaching it makes it green and dying it dark makes it dark green"

obvious down

"the obvious down is the mess"

dark tulip

"however the dark tulip dye second photo i uploaded came out as a very nice in my opinion purple colour"

damaged hair

"this tub conditions your hair too which is a big big bonus if you have dry damaged hair like i did!"

despite bleaching

"dident last long atall gone in one wash despite bleaching"

been warned

"you have been warned"

little smidge

"hair type: curly slightly dry long i used one pot but only have a little smidge left"

lengthy process

"but i still have half of it left considering i only dip dyed 2 inches of my black hair really after bleaching though which is a lengthy process and i'm going to apply it and re dye my hair tips repeatedly until it's all used up!"

just a shame

"just a shame the silver didn't work"

brutal growth

"and your hair will also be blue too during wear this is a great way to soften the dark to light brutal growth of bleach at first glance to make it seem more like you have darker roots intentionally i recommend putting onto dry hair try this with purple shampoo first to see how ur hair takes as this will respond in a similar way"

slightly grey shimmer

"normally i use a purple shampoo on my hair and leave it on for quite a while so i have a slightly grey shimmer anyway that i wanted to intensify with this"

wrong tone

"didn't really seem to help with my hair at all but i may have been using the wrong tone"

ruined my hair

"to say it ruined my hair is an understatement"

weird gradient

"now i have a kind of weird gradient between yellow at the root and blue on the ends but definitely no silver grey"

quite brassy

"i just bleached my hair and it was quite brassy so once it had dried i applied the directions white toner all over and left it for 60 mins i wanted maximum effect "

could remove

"if the product stains the skin which it will if you let it gloves and keeping it off your face are essential diluted bleach was the only thing that we found that could remove it"

test strand

"came out really really patchy i did a test strand and it took way longer than the instructions said to take the colour"

double dying

"double dying did not improve the situation either"

lack of longevity

"however i expect the result vary depending on hair type and i know my hair is damaged and porous so that could explain the lack of longevity also the lilac is very pastel so i expect a brighter colour would last much longer"

nothing worked

"nothing worked!"

n't washed every

"once dried it was a very light candy floss pink at best and in parts was more like highlights literally lasted about 2 weeks and her hair isn't washed every day"

stained the towels

"i do agree that it stained the towels during the application process but the dye did was out after a machine wash"

disappointed in this

"really disappointed in this"

very faint

"i have a few very very very faint pink bits in my hair that only i can notice cause i know they should be there and that is literally it"

shaking them

"theres no fussing around with squeezing tubes into bottles and shaking them till your arm falls off just scoop out and apply"

looks really washed

"i had the same amount of hair dye on the pink side different brand and it covered everything perfectly but this one looks really washed out"

they will fade

"i like these dyes but of course they will fade"

totally useless

"sorry to say this is a totally useless product"

worried my hair

"i left it on for about 15 minutes maybe slightly over as i was worried my hair might go vibrant pink!"

disappointed my hair

"i was really disappointed my hair is still yellow this definitely doesn't do what is says on the tin!"

white grey

"recently bleached my hair wanted it white grey but as always it went yellow"

needed 2 tubs

"in person it does seem a bit patchy but that’s because i needed 2 tubs and only had 1 also it was hard getting it through my hair when wet"

much of my skin

"managed not to stain too much of my skin"

neither color

"i wont use hydrogen on my hair to able to use this hair coloring neither color my hair to blonde so it was a waste of money for me : update: my bf said it would be nice if i try to blonde my hair and give a shoot because it'd be awesome hair color"

paper chalk

"i brought this for my daughters hair after trying all those diy temporary jobs at home tissue paper chalk felt tips you name it it didnt work and she really wanted purple hair!"

barely showed

"barely showed up and had washed out in a couple of washes"

disappointed by that

"i’ve seen a few reviews disappointed by that"

sadly the plum

"sadly the plum still ruined it all it came out more like violet darker than pictures here maybe it fades to actual red purple 'plum' with time?"

unnatural colours at work

"i've wanted purple hair for ages but not allowed unnatural colours at work so i only wanted a temporary colour"

fault directions hair

"i can never fault directions hair dye"

disappointed with

"i'm actually quite disappointed with it as i believed that the colour would be more vibrant or lively"

stained hair

"i am now left with green stained hair"

with vaseline

"make sure you protect ears neck etc with vaseline to avoid staining!"

unsure of that

"it didnt fade out completely but enough that the mild ginger tones i had left in my hair after bleaching are showing through already and that's only after 1 wash having said that i did kix conditioner into the dye before applying to make more product as i only had 1 tub so i'm unsure of that has anything to do with it so in pics it now looks more red dark orange but it's a really nice colour when first applied and i love how easy it is to use"

remove from the hair

"on bleached hair it is hard to get a true midnight shade of blue item got lost at the post office but that is no fault of the seller blue washes out to a green after a few washes which is a shame according to my hair colourist directions is really hard to remove from the hair once it is on there so if you are looking to completely strip colour out or change colours then bear this in mind"

stress this enough

"i cannot stress this enough"

completely out if pocket

"at a hairdresser to put it right completely out if pocket!"

totally forgot

"i should really have done a before and after picture but totally forgot"

waste of time and money

"waste of time and money"

wouldnt reccomend

"wouldnt reccomend this product"

human error

"this dye didn't actually damage my hair at all so the only con is human error lol this dye will stain everything and anything ie skin "

bleached streaks

"we put this on the blonde bleached streaks in my hair and you can just barely tell i've done something to my hair no pink to be seen as such"

stain baths

"does stain baths if you don't wash away the dye quickly though"

stains very little

"stains very little"

blonde and havent

"i'm naturally blonde and havent dyed my hair before"

complete waist of money

"complete waist of money!"

dying my hair odd colours

"i have been dying my hair odd colours for just over 2 years now and i find that mixing this about 50 50 with turquoise makes the perfect blue with a fantastic fade time and a blue that doesn't rub off and stain everything!"

fades to pink

"if anyone is looking for a bright red please bare in mind that this is semi perm and fades to pink x"

stain bleached hair

"reds and blues stain bleached hair though"

weak solution

"had to use a weak solution of household bleach to try and get it out!"

your entire head

"but yea if you cba buying a purple shampoo this is cheaper and if you mix if with conditioner maybe you can cover your entire head and it does the same job tbh"

just 1 wash

"beautiful colour but sadly does fade after even just 1 wash"

damage the hair

"doesn't damage the hair at all doesn't itch or burn and was so easy to comb through with no knots"

long atall

"dident last long atall gone in one wash despite bleaching"

long curly

"i used a whole pot to reverse ombre my medium long curly hair"

cover & longevity

"it is forest green not ebony poor cover & longevity"

hair wasnt

"daffodil only showed up very lightly on my hair but i susspected as much as my hair wasnt really light enough to begin with"

damage my hair

"this dye didn't actually damage my hair at all so the only con is human error lol this dye will stain everything and anything ie skin "

killing my hair

"i love this sooo much beens trying to get my hair bright red from black for a while now so iv used a lot of dyes and it was killing my hair so much but iv used this and my hair fills amazing and so much brighter then any proxcide dye iv been using so i'm very very happy with it will be defo sticking to this from now on i can at last keep my red hair without killing it in the process"

worn gloves

"stains badly everywhere should of worn gloves lovely colour but fades fairly quick most was gone after one wash but the initial colour looked amaze"

wasting the product

"and purple used dye on light grey dyed hair blond firstly definitely worth the money i only had to use a little and i have loads left it's almost like i haven't even used any that's how much i have left in each pot so a little does go a long way you don't have to use loads and loads other wise you are wasting the product the smell just like others have said all of my colours i brought smell almost like play dough but it actually smells nice "

up of hair extensions

"my hair has been every colour under the sun bar grey and yellow but for the past two years i have left it alone so it can grow really long fed up of hair extensions "

washed out after 2 days

"i've used the blue loads of times and its great but the pink looked great but washed out after 2 days"

unpleasant scent

"application was very easy and there was not any kind of unpleasant scent"

were a nightmare

"however the last green tones were a nightmare to remove and i had to resort to more bleach when every other solution i tried failed me"

pale version

"the water never really runs clear so once it gets to a pale version of your dye colour you're all done!"

time interval

"you only have to wait for about 15 20 minutes too for it to seep into the bleached hair which was much faster than the time interval for bleaching my hair had to wait for 70 minutes"

lasted a couple of washes

"if it is applied on wet hair the colour comes out more of a grey colour but if it’s applied on dry hair and is left on for a reasonable amount of time the colour outcome is incredible but on my hair the colour only lasted a couple of washes until it faded and a more of a blue ish colour was left and it’s not a bad colour either"

first hurt

"on bleached hair came out very neon pink which at first hurt my eyes and was a bit embarrassing but the bright colours lasted well over 3 weeks until i went swimming and the chlorine turned it a flamingo pink and later faded to peach"

really not noticeable

"it is not perfect but i have mixed highlights so it is really not noticeable for me i like the lilac hints"

silver did n't work

"just a shame the silver didn't work"

blue did not take

"i've used the pink dye and that's worked great but for some reason this blue did not take"

yellowish and not such

"i have blonde ombré hair after a few months of having it done it had gone yellowish and not such a nice white blonde i didn't want to have to re dye it so i thought i would try this toner"

50's hair nothing

"tried on three generations teenage 30's and 50's hair nothing happened didn't take at all"

liliac and not blonde

"my hair should be liliac and not blonde!"

green apple

"can’t wait to dye my hair again i had the green apple but i got send green apple but two different ones as one is light and one is dark 😂"

doing it wrong

"update i've brought this again just incase i was doing it wrong"

just did n't work

"it just didn't work"

washed out altogether

"it did brighten my exsisting orange streaks but barely and that only lasted until the first shampoo when it all washed out altogether"

replacement silver

"i complained and received a replacement silver that was blue as the first one"

ginger tones

"it didnt fade out completely but enough that the mild ginger tones i had left in my hair after bleaching are showing through already and that's only after 1 wash having said that i did kix conditioner into the dye before applying to make more product as i only had 1 tub so i'm unsure of that has anything to do with it so in pics it now looks more red dark orange but it's a really nice colour when first applied and i love how easy it is to use"

bluer tones

"easy to use colour great but you need to double up for shoulder length hair and four for long hair the dye takes fast but beware of colour fade in the sun and washing as my daughters hair has now gone to bluer tones instead of violet and that's only after 1 week !"

pale white blond

"after having bleached my medium brown hair to a pale white blond i wanted to dye my hair back to brown"

still did n't work

"tried again & left it on for an hourbut it still didn't work"

doesnt last ages

"doesnt last ages and fades over time as with most semi dyes"

made a mistake

"i thought i'd made a mistake not buying at least a second pot as it's quite small and i have alot of hair"

this is vegetable

"i see a few negative reviews that can literally be explained by looking at the product more or maybe they don’t have much hair dye experience but anyway here’s some pointers: • this is vegetable dye"

n't last long

"my daughter is a redhead & didn’t last long"

extremely blonde

"i followed the directions applied it to my bleached ombre hair some of the ends are extremely blonde"

there was no staining

"i read the warnings about stained towels and bedding etc and the first night i did put a towel over my pillow 'just in case' but in the morning there was no staining"

washed out after 2 washes

"washed out after 2 washes"

most disappointing

"this was therefore the most disappointing but i suppose it is to be expected when putting a light colour designed for bleached hair onto medium brown"

came out terrible

"didn't have much expectations to how it'd work but i really messed up and put a high life blonde on my already blonde hair and it came out terrible"

not like the colour

"just did not like the colour"

n't a good look

"had dark green hair for a couple of well then it went lime green wasn’t a good look"

where i stopped

"tried different dyes and this is the one where i stopped looking"

over the sink

"i’d recommend doing your hair over the sink first then later on after it’s been washed with the colour in then maybe have another just to make sure all the product is out or it dyes literally everything be aware you’ll forever have pink water now just be very subtle once all the product is out"

onto dry hair

"and your hair will also be blue too during wear this is a great way to soften the dark to light brutal growth of bleach at first glance to make it seem more like you have darker roots intentionally i recommend putting onto dry hair try this with purple shampoo first to see how ur hair takes as this will respond in a similar way"

extremely long

"if you dye your hair any shade of blue be prepared to be stuck with it for a very long time as the blue tint will last extremely long"

really messed

"didn't have much expectations to how it'd work but i really messed up and put a high life blonde on my already blonde hair and it came out terrible"

damaged and dry hair

"be careful when using on damaged and dry hair"

trial and error

"i have had a few of these products and i fell that the key to getting the tone or cover you want comes with build up and trial and error"

just did n't take

"i have used this dye before and its been great but as i don't have any other dye on my hair it just didn't take!"

getting rid of the color

"still getting rid of the color on the skin is very difficult i tried everything: soap of courses nail polish removal scrubs ashes"

need it not the ends

"it lasts a good few washes before it needs topping up but it only tends to be the roots that need it not the ends"

barely noticeable

"but this one had barely any pigment even when used neat there's only the slightest hint of purple barely noticeable"

dark hair problems

"dark hair problems but in conclusion purchase this product if you're looking for a nice cool blue green colour"

came with no instructions

"came with no instructions says lagoon blue but came out green"

applied on dry hair

"if it is applied on wet hair the colour comes out more of a grey colour but if it’s applied on dry hair and is left on for a reasonable amount of time the colour outcome is incredible but on my hair the colour only lasted a couple of washes until it faded and a more of a blue ish colour was left and it’s not a bad colour either"

expected delivery time

"on the bright side this was delivered earlier than the expected delivery time which was good!"

wear gloves

"i have to say i did wear gloves whilst applying this but i did manage to cover my head ears and neck in pink dye"

either not bleached

"i would only recommend using this if your hair is either not bleached or is only subtly lightened"

it's a shame

": it's a shame"

strand test

"this product did not work my hair colour looked more like a kid of dark blue dark green and brownish if you want to buy this please mix it well in a bowl and strand test it first"

just did nothing

"but the product just did nothing"

waist length hair

"i have waist length hair so decided to stretch my dye by buying a deeper orange and diluting it with a conditioner to the light tint i wanted"

will never buy again

"will never buy again"

not contact seller

"waste of money and cannot contact seller"

toned blonde balayage

"i have natural dark blonde roots mousy and a mixture of slightly orange and yellow toned blonde balayage"

very little difference

"i don't recommend this product as it makes very little difference"

just did n't last

"she was so excited and it just didn't last"

very long time

"if you dye your hair any shade of blue be prepared to be stuck with it for a very long time as the blue tint will last extremely long"

n't something anyone

"the ends of my hair certainly had a more copperish tinge but seeing as i had that anyway it wasn't something anyone noticed"

n't cover my roots

"just to note it does not cover natural brown hair as it didn't cover my roots"

after 5 mins wash

"after 5 mins wash off"

absolutely no difference

"tried 15 mins as instructions stated absolutely no difference whatsoever"

very annoying

"very annoying"

very short

"my hair is very short and was dyed blonde very light except for a few yellow patches here and there and even they were quite light"

ruined my work

"i have bought a few dyes of the directions range and up until now i have had it constantly stain my skin and ruined my work top"

hair 1 wash

"for short hair 1 wash is more than enough to wash it off for long hair after the 2nd wash it turns into a washed green"

does n't want to commit

"all in all it was pretty cool to have funky coloured hair for a few days so great for anybody who wants a change but doesn't want to commit"

massively thick

"i have got medium length hair and not massively thick i will need to buy two tubs in the future to have more of an even coat"

no smell to this product

"there is no smell to this product which i was very surprised by"

really patchy

"came out really really patchy i did a test strand and it took way longer than the instructions said to take the colour"

bleached ends of my hair

"i use this on bleached ends of my hair which turned out a dark gingery toned brown"

her hair during lockdown

"bought this for my daughter as she was desperate to dye her hair during lockdown"

nothing for my hair

"i ordered the directions silver and unfortunately this did nothing for my hair"

which were not for

"pink tones which were not for me"

last as long either

"the product doesn't take so well to non treated hair and doesn't last as long either"

nervous of going grey

"might be my fault and maybe i should have left on for linger but was nervous of going grey!"

seem a bit patchy

"in person it does seem a bit patchy but that’s because i needed 2 tubs and only had 1 also it was hard getting it through my hair when wet"

barely visible

"even on my super blonde hair this color pink was barely visible not enough pigment at all"

going to work

"its not going to work"

very unhappy i

"very unhappy i'm sat crying"

no english instructions

"we didn't get off to a good start as there are no english instructions but thanks to an online translator we worked out what was needed"

stain my hands

"i had a feeling it wasn’t going to work when i didn’t used gloves to apply it to my hair and it didn’t stain my hands at all"

wrong with directions

"you really can't go wrong with directions"

whole head

"first time i have dyed my whole head red as i was always disappointed at hairdressers"

thought i was buying

"your picture shows a very purple hair dye which is what i thought i was buying but the product is ‘neon blue’"

lmao not happening

"lmao not happening"

stained my sheets my face

"it stained my sheets my face!"

it's so weak

"just unfortunate that it's so weak!"

very daunting

"having very dark hair i followed my friends advice and bleached it also very daunting "

product was so awful

"the seller themselves however were very prompt and very quick which makes me upset that the product was so awful"

washed straight

"tried it again for over an hour and finally again for 3 hours and each time the colour just washed straight out"

which is dissapointing

"i got some color but not as nice as others which is dissapointing"

only subtly lightened

"i would only recommend using this if your hair is either not bleached or is only subtly lightened"

smells nice but wont

"took over a week to come very dark purple i was looking for a very light purple smells nice but wont buy this one again "

were n't even in english

"also the instructions weren't even in english"

absolutely no colour

"absolutely no colour pay off on my blonde hair"

fade quick if you stopped

"the remaining tint lasted about 2 weeks and i'm almost back to before so i'd say this would make a great dye for someone wanting to maintain a pastel or tint look having a separate conditioner mix with the colour to top up every few washes but knowing it'd fade quick if you stopped and wanted to try a new colour"

disappointed as i usually

"really disappointed as i usually love the brand"

kind of annoyed

"the yellow blue combo isn't exactly what i was hoping for so kind of annoyed"

faded to a horrible

"however after the first wash this colour really faded to a horrible off pink and it took a further 2 weeks for the faded colour to completely disappear"

will not work otherwise

"as usual i dyed the section of my hair i wanted to be blue blonde first as the dye on darker hair will not work otherwise"

with no knots

"doesn't damage the hair at all doesn't itch or burn and was so easy to comb through with no knots"

strawberry blonde

"used this on my sons hair one is strawberry blonde the other a darker blonde"

does not stop running

"it does not stop running!"

please bare in mind

"if anyone is looking for a bright red please bare in mind that this is semi perm and fades to pink x"

after 1 wash

"i bought the lilac and it's a good colour although i can't imagine it would show up much on anything other than light bleached blonde hair unfortunately is visibly faded after 1 wash and it only took about 3 washes to be completely gone from my hair so i am not totally sure i agree with the 'semi permanent' labelling i've used wash in wash out dyes that have lasted longer"

tried different dyes

"tried different dyes and this is the one where i stopped looking"

beware of colour no

"but beware of colour no way have i ever seen a pillar box this colour 🤣"

a good look

"not a good look"

stain my skin

"i have bought a few dyes of the directions range and up until now i have had it constantly stain my skin and ruined my work top"

not there before

"it wasn't as bad for me but it left a nasty orange tint to my roots that was not there before"

letdown for this product

"staining is really the letdown for this product truly upset with this"

purple plum tints

"i really hate those purple plum tints you get on the high street and at first i thought it had turned out like that"

removal scrubs ashes

"still getting rid of the color on the skin is very difficult i tried everything: soap of courses nail polish removal scrubs ashes"

hair ruined

"i'm so upset i spent so much money on this only to have my hair ruined!"

particularly cheap

"very disappointed it wasnt particularly cheap!"

vitamin c bicarbonate

"it was only supposed to last up to 8 washes but about 30 washes later and numerous potions like vitamin c bicarbonate of soda lemon vinegar to get it out the highlights in her brown hair are still bright green"

just barely

"we put this on the blonde bleached streaks in my hair and you can just barely tell i've done something to my hair no pink to be seen as such"

slime stuff

"also it smells funny a little like play doh or like that green slime stuff"

n't rate on longevity

"only used it last night so can't rate on longevity"

slight lilac tint

"we've previously used pink from this brand and it worked amazingly but this time a slight lilac tint at the very ends"

just annoying

"i'm sure my purple shampoo will fix this but it's just annoying"

of the yellow sections

"it turned my very light patches a lilac white colour and didn't even touch any of the yellow sections so now my hair is even more mismatched than it was before"

none sulphate shampoo

"colour washed out in the first was washed my hair with cold water and with a none sulphate shampoo"

have n't given 5 stars

"it was a bit drippy and fairly messy the only reason i haven't given 5 stars "

just looked a bit dirty

"all he was left with was a very slight orange tinge that just looked a bit dirty"

Compare Pros

excellent product in both products

"excellent product"

very pleased in both products

"some peachy patches bleach worked super quick but overall very pleased!"

brilliant colour in both products

"brilliant colour!"

brilliant product in both products

"brilliant product been looking about fr a bright red and non seem to take to ma hair but this one did took on the whole head"

amazing colour in both products

"amazing colour"

very bright in both products

"the colour is very bright and vibrant"

amazing results in both products

"amazing results and long lasting"

nice bright in both products

"the product was easy to use and the pigmentation was nice bright"

highly recommend in both products

"highly recommend"

really good in both products

"colour good conditioner is really good"

amazing product in both products

"amazing product"

great results in both products

"great results my hair went really blonde i had done it a week before with a different brand and it went orange no problem with this one i got the colour i wanted"

good colour in both products

"gave a good colour came out cherry red like it should"

lovely colour in both products

"this is such a lovely colour came out slightly darker on my hair than the box but still lovely"

love the colour in both products

"used this today went from mid brown to bright red absolutely love the colour"

vibrant and true in both products

"colour is remaining vibrant and true"

bright and vibrant in both products

"colour was bright and vibrant"

nice smell in both products

"he thought it easy to use and nice smell"

good price in both products

"love the colour good price"

great price in both products

"i love it and have had compliments already even though we’re in lockdown🤣 great price for the quality thank you!"

really well in both products

"i bought the violet to use after bleaching my hair and the colour worked out really well"

fast delivery in both products

"nice colour the pic was after one wash was a lot darker before the wash liked it better after the wash the dye is quite runny so makes mess fast delivery would recommend"

looks great in both products

"super easy to use after care conditioner smells amazing and color looks great!"

very quickly in both products

"looked gorgeous the first application but washed out very quickly"

purple colour in both products

"the purple colour is exactly what i expected"

pretty good in both products

"my hair went yellow lol but it is the strongest lifting bleach i’ve used so it’s pretty good really"

pretty well in both products

"both came up pretty well and stay vibrant for about 3 4 weeks then start to fade as you’d expect but the colour was still nice when it faded"

good value in both products

"good value for money"

actual colour in both products

"the actual colour was a pale purple pink colour"

very happy in both products

"overall i'm very happy with results and the conditioner tube smells great 👍 only gave longevity 3 star "

right colour in both products

"afterwards her hair was exactly the right colour and it was in brilliant condition"

with results in both products

"i normally go to the hair dressers but was very happy with results"

great coverage in both products

"brought this for my sister in laws hair great coverage and looks great!"

silky smooth in both products

"very easy to use 30mins developing time the enclosed conditioner leaves your hair silky smooth and very shiney"

very impressed in both products

"very vibrant colour dye is liquid form not a thick consistency like most difficult to put on yourself without making a mess but finished results very impressed"

bright colour in both products

"always a bright colour and covers greys a lot better than other dyes i've used"

even better in both products

"definitely use again easy to apply no drips and even better it actually wipes off ears and face easily enough!"

highly recommended in both products

"stunning colour easy simple to use and the shine it gives is unbelievable best red hair dye i have ever used highly recommended quality product and reasonable price"

buying again in both products

"i'll be buying again for sure and i've recommended to friends and family too :"

recommend this in both products

"i still recommend this as the only brand to buy if you want grey hair specifically the colour on the box"

works great in both products

"this works great in my naturally very dark brown hair a few shades off black i get beautifully red hair!"

very strong in both products

"the only down side is the dye has a very strong smell haha"

bold colour in both products

"this is beautiful strong bold colour"

smells nice in both products

"its easy to use smells nice and the after colour condition is lush"

hair colour in both products

"fab hair colour and quick dispatch happy with the result and the shine is fab"

absolutely gorgeous

"omg i've just coloured my hair with the new loreal colo rista bright red and as you can see by my pictures the colour is absolutely gorgeous !"

really pleased

"initially the colour was amazing it was so bright and vibrant and i was really really pleased"

really bright

"really bright colour considering i did it over my natural hair which is dark brown!"

amazing bright

"it give an amazing bright red lovely shiny glossy hair "

great lift

"other than that a great lift and very pleased"

lovely bright

"66 but this lovely bright even red colour is much better and i will use it again ❤️❤️"

amazing thank

"amazing thank you"

absolutely fantastic

"absolutely fantastic was just what ones hair needed while covid lock down and shielding now have a second box will buy more"

amazing quality

"amazing quality"

beautiful silvery grey

"my hair has some beautiful silvery grey then dishwater grey is running through with light brown ash blond hair"

quite potent

"smells quite potent but worth it for the result"

shining beautifully

"i love this hair colour it leaves my hair shining beautifully the colour is also perfect however it does fade with each shampoo but it gently changes the colour so the lighter shades s look great"

favourite colour

"wife's favourite colour she bought this as it was recommended to her and she loves it"

absolutely amazing

"absolutely amazing this is after one application from bright red hair"

super shiny

"it's a lovely black and my hair is super shiny but it is just black with absolutely not even the tiniest hint of any blue at all"

brilliant condition

"afterwards her hair was exactly the right colour and it was in brilliant condition"

smells amazing

"super easy to use after care conditioner smells amazing and color looks great!"

best silver colour

"best silver colour on the market"

colour is amazing

"once freshly dyed the colour is amazing but be careful if you have brass tones it won’t work very well"

colour is perfect

"this dye is amazing i used it today and the colour is perfect !"

stunning and amazing

"but the colour looks stunning and amazing"

wonderful product

"wonderful product i have not found anything di effective since i stopped using bleach on my hair!"

colour good

"so yes colour good but not sure of it being so runny l’oreal do better other hair dyes"

very satisfied

"overall very satisfied the gel is very runny so it was easy to apply"

absolutely love it

"absolutely love it!"

super happy

"super happy 🙂"

great and colour

"the cherry red is great and colour is gorgeous!"

absolutely great

"absolutely great although if you have bleached blonde hair don't leave it on for 30 mins ad it will go purple"

colour it rocks

"colour smell how to use it's amazing i love it never seen a colour like this i love it never changing this is my colour it rocks"

vibrant and strong

"the color is vibrant and strong !"

beautiful and vivid

"i have dark brown hair that don't want to bleach and the colour looks beautiful and vivid but it starting to wash out after 2 weeks"

lovely auburn

"most of my hair has now washed out to a lovely auburn apart the roots which are still red will have to fix that"

good conditioner

"colour good conditioner is really good"

good whack

"my hair is a medium mouse brown with a good whack of grey in too"

color is perfect

"the color is perfect"

beautiful colour

"easy to use beautiful colour"

really happy

"really happy with the colour as good as you would get in salon"

vibrant and bright

"great colour really vibrant and bright"

amazing i love

"the colour is amazing i love it"

more classic

"my natural hair colour is red not the toxic bright red more classic english red but it's getting more and more grey"

well ventilated

"found it easy to put on does need well ventilated room!"

bright shiny

"in love with it its bright shiny and my hair feels like silk 😍 will be buying this all the time"

look great

"i love this hair colour it leaves my hair shining beautifully the colour is also perfect however it does fade with each shampoo but it gently changes the colour so the lighter shades s look great"

smells good

"failed to give the results but smells good"

ideal shade

"my ideal shade of red"

decent hair

"i have plenty of experience with dying hair and the products i usually use have always been awesome but i saw this one which was alot cheaper i guess that's why it's best to pay that bit extra for a decent hair dye"

really easy

"this was my first time using bleach on my hair and it was really easy the instructions were clear on exactly what to do"

still lovely

"this is such a lovely colour came out slightly darker on my hair than the box but still lovely"

great value

"perfect great value for money !"

light enough

"obviously make sure your hairs light enough but my hair isn’t really even that blond but next time i get high lights all over with bleach i’m putting this on top for sure!"

perfect amount

"but this one has a perfect amount!"

more gentle

"i do like this bleach as i feel its a bit more gentle compared to others and does lift a fair bit"

perfect grey

"the perfect grey!"

decent conditioner

"fortunately i have a decent conditioner for coloured hair which sorted that problem out"

lovely time

"this is the first time he has attempted a home colour and i think it came out a lovely time"

really healthy

"was very quick to wash out and my hair feels really healthy still after using"

free product

"my free product for testing purposes never arrived it should have been considered as a bad sign and i should have refused from the idea"

good choice

"i have light grey hair and fancied a change this colour looked like a good choice however it turned out much darker than i expected yes i did a test but i was surprised by how dark this turned out despite the test and the representative colour shown"

what colour

"despite being blonde this product made little difference to my hair colour and what colour there was began to fade after 3 washes"

gorgeous and hair

"smells gorgeous and hair is healthy after use"

stay vibrant

"both came up pretty well and stay vibrant for about 3 4 weeks then start to fade as you’d expect but the colour was still nice when it faded"

ginger colour

"her hair went an ginger colour"

blonde colour

"lifted naturally black hair to an almost platinum blonde colour using bblonde"

great bleaching

"great bleaching kit!"

good condition

"edit: my daughter has had this colour several times now and it's kept her hair in good condition"

came out perfect

"had to buy same make dye in a shop and re do it came out perfect"

pleasant smell

"great easy to apply pleasant smell turns out like the box very happyx"

grey silver colour

"was a lovely grey silver colour which people complemented me on"

lovely black

"it's a lovely black and my hair is super shiny but it is just black with absolutely not even the tiniest hint of any blue at all"

quality product

"stunning colour easy simple to use and the shine it gives is unbelievable best red hair dye i have ever used highly recommended quality product and reasonable price"

really liked

"really liked this product"

took beautifully

"i have very dark brown hair and the colour took beautifully"

perfectly well

"it worked perfectly well"

rich and shiny

"ordered violet the colour is so rich and shiny vibrant!"

very healthy

"hair feeling and looking very healthy and soft after removing excess dye"

looks fantastic

"easy to use smells great and looks fantastic only downside is it burnt my fringe"

incredibly runny

"i used the intense red which was fantastic the colour is amazing such a bright vibrant red one of the best reds i've used i dyed mine red from a quite dark brown and the colour came out as seen in the picture i've given 4 stars because it stated gel mixture and it's so incredibly runny normally i'm good at keeping the dye off my face and that but this just went everywhere all over my ears down my face arms and neck so i'd definitely be weary of that"

professional hairdresser

"very good product looks definitely like professional hairdresser did my hair !"

silver grey

"my hair originally was mid brown i bleached it twice over a three week period which came out ok but i still had orange parts underneath and i wanted either platinum or to go silver grey so bought this to cover tone out the orange blonde"

speed and quality

"however my initial delivery was incorrect but i was greatly impressed with the speed and quality of after sale care and communication"

ordering this

"was more than enough product so i have another box for next time but then will be ordering this again after that!"

apply though

"it is a bit messy to apply though so be careful"

quality colour

"arrived on time and good quality colour!"

grey silver hair

"if you want grey silver hair this is for you!"

good product

"good product"

bright shade

"nice bright shade of red"

defo recommend

"defo recommend"

smell strong

"lovely colour i am a fan of the colour rista dyes however they do smell strong and this colour did fade quick"

very great

"this very fast delivery service item is very great quality and is as perfect colour on hair just like the box explains happy with it"

purple glow

"i felt the colour did have a strong purple glow to it but again this would depend on your hair colour pre dyeing"

good quality

"works great good quality"

lasts a month

"i have since moved to makki professional semi permanent which you mix with conditioner depending on how dark light you want it and it lasts a month!"

fantastic stuff

"this is fantastic stuff and literally the only one that works"

quiet easily

"happy with the result however i agree with what others have said about the product not lasting long and fading quiet easily"

lasts decently

"colour lasts decently well for a red and good lift so will work on darker hair"

blond hair

"the moral to this story the instructions on the book are right only use on blond hair"

covers really nicely

"my hair has been dyed a lot and roots are grey when come through but covers really nicely even when i do it myself"

fantastic results

"i used other products before but this one is by far better quality and fantastic results"

definitely recommend

"definitely recommend"

great color

"great color!"

strong smell

"this has such a strong smell to the point my eyes were watering i had to go stand outside for 5 minutes!"

amazing finish

"amazing finish took very well to my 3a hair very good conditioner"

colour nice

"lovely colour nice and bright"

better quality

"i used other products before but this one is by far better quality and fantastic results"

would recommend

"nice colour the pic was after one wash was a lot darker before the wash liked it better after the wash the dye is quite runny so makes mess fast delivery would recommend"

really soft

"it made my hair really soft which is no mean feat!"

looked gorgeous

"looked gorgeous the first application but washed out very quickly"

before applying

"first image shows my auburn hair before applying"

base colour

"my base colour was very light blonde however this silver grey is has a lot more of purple lilac tinge than expected"

sooo bright

"and it is sooo bright and definitely dramatic"

bery bright

"bery bright and bold it fades quite quickly if you wash your hair more than once twice a week or go swimming"

multiple compliments

"have to recolour every 2 weeks due to regrowing but gets multiple compliments!"

very runny

"overall very satisfied the gel is very runny so it was easy to apply"

brought this

"brought this for my sister in laws hair great coverage and looks great!"

alot cheaper

"i have plenty of experience with dying hair and the products i usually use have always been awesome but i saw this one which was alot cheaper i guess that's why it's best to pay that bit extra for a decent hair dye"

professional semi

"i have since moved to makki professional semi permanent which you mix with conditioner depending on how dark light you want it and it lasts a month!"

still cheaper

"expensive in the end but still cheaper than a salon job"

second round

"lucky i bought 2 boxes so hoping a second round will brighten it"

natural colour

"the colour is slightly more brighter than it was before but not as red as the box shows my natural colour is dark blonde "

received quickly

"good value and received quickly"

nothing darker

"this color does only work on very light blonde bleach blonde hair and nothing darker"

apply however

"this product was very easy to mix and apply however it had a very strong chemical smell almost like bleach"

best box hair

"this is the best box hair dye i have used "

create depth

"used with the grey to create depth"

grey hair colour

"i saw a woman in the hospital lift with steel grey hair colour"

matches the colour

"it actually matches the colour on the box too"

looks awesome

"taken very well indeed in fact best i have used looks awesome"

only positive

"the only positive to this product that the colour lasts"

spreads very well

"i love it it spreads very well"

lovely and soft

"it felt like it was drying my hair out on application but my hair is very wavy and thick once the after conditioner was put on my hair is lovely and soft again"

recomend this product

"would highly recomend this product"

much cheaper

"seeing it on special offer and noticing it was an oil bleach i decided to give it a go as it was much cheaper than wella's professional oil bleach"

found my favourite

"i've been using different brands for years and now i've finally found my favourite"

much brighter

"did a good job but you can see where my roots were my normal hair colour is dark brown and it also freshened up the previous colour next time though i will be pre lightening to bring it up much brighter"

bleaching products

"used to lift medium brown hair achieved a golden blonde from the first application and a white blonde from the second one of the better bleaching products that i've used"

exactly what i expected

"the purple colour is exactly what i expected"

literally stains

"literally stains everything"

product colour

"really happy with the product colour and especially the hair conditioner that comes with it which has lasted 3 washes as i said i do have shoulder length hair"

best red hair

"i still gave this product 5 stars as it is by far the best red hair dye i have ever used"

perfect hair

"it's perfect hair dye"

moisturiser and products

"put in hair moisturiser and products more would come out"

natural hair colour

"my natural hair colour is red not the toxic bright red more classic english red but it's getting more and more grey"

golden blonde

"used to lift medium brown hair achieved a golden blonde from the first application and a white blonde from the second one of the better bleaching products that i've used"

achieve jet black hair

"one of the best to achieve jet black hair will make this my no 1 choice in future"

best bleach ever

"i was surprised with the effect as my hair has always been really dark even after bleaching with other products but this is probably the best bleach ever for dark hair"

hospital lift

"i saw a woman in the hospital lift with steel grey hair colour"

need blending

"the colours are nice and vibrant and don’t need blending"

definitely worth a

"but definitely worth a go!"

lasted very well

"this is easy to apply and gives a vibrant red colour which has lasted very well"

shiny and glossy

"the conditioner supplied will last for 5 6 uses after first use and make your hair so shiny and glossy"

pleased with this

"very vibrant colour really pleased with this as i have dark hair it took well and looks fab"

pleased with the result

"it hasn't faded too badly yet either but i know red always fades quicker than any other colour but for now i'm so pleased with the result"

light blonde

"from light blonde to yellow"

worth buying

"love the colour definitely worth buying!"

smells so good

"love the colour so easy to mix and apply and the conditioner smells so good"

again easy

"definitely use again easy to apply no drips and even better it actually wipes off ears and face easily enough!"

brown naturally

"covered all the grey and the colour is very vibrant despite my hair being dark brown naturally"

1000x better

"that is semi permanent and is 1000x better than this"

been great

"i would’ve assumed that the colour was a gel & not a runny liquid like all other dyes would’ve been great if it had"

lasts for 3 washes

"lovely bright colour with conditioner that lasts for 3 washes"

easy to apply

"it didn't dry my hair out and was easy to apply"

long lasting

"amazing results and long lasting"

definitely recommended

"definitely recommended it"

bright vibrant red

"i used the intense red which was fantastic the colour is amazing such a bright vibrant red one of the best reds i've used i dyed mine red from a quite dark brown and the colour came out as seen in the picture i've given 4 stars because it stated gel mixture and it's so incredibly runny normally i'm good at keeping the dye off my face and that but this just went everywhere all over my ears down my face arms and neck so i'd definitely be weary of that"

dying my hair

"i have been dying my hair red for 18 years "

best home bleach

"this has to be the best home bleach i've ever used"

even red colour

"66 but this lovely bright even red colour is much better and i will use it again ❤️❤️"

lovely colour doesna

"lovely colour doesna last to long"

nicely to extensions

"great product good price room nicely to extensions"

very light blonde

"got it to a very light blonde"

been awesome

"i have plenty of experience with dying hair and the products i usually use have always been awesome but i saw this one which was alot cheaper i guess that's why it's best to pay that bit extra for a decent hair dye"

lasts really

"colour lasts really well"

good for dark hair

"very good for dark hair"

and good lift

"colour lasts decently well for a red and good lift so will work on darker hair"

really easy to

"no real smell to it really easy to use and great result"

people complemented me

"was a lovely grey silver colour which people complemented me on"

very easy to

"very easy to use"

changes the colour

"i love this hair colour it leaves my hair shining beautifully the colour is also perfect however it does fade with each shampoo but it gently changes the colour so the lighter shades s look great"

strongest lifting bleach

"my hair went yellow lol but it is the strongest lifting bleach i’ve used so it’s pretty good really"

wanted a change and

"wanted a change and wow did i get it"

quite strong

"it’s quite strong smelling and runny but the colour and coverage is brilliant"

your money fantastic

"gorgeous colour and makes hair so soft not brittle and such great value for your money fantastic"

nice to apply

"the texture is quite liquid so runs easily but is nice to apply"

evened my colour

"this colour covered greys and evened my colour out"

recommend getting 2 boxes

"100% worth the money but i'd recommend getting 2 boxes as then you will definitely have enough product"

good price room

"great product good price room nicely to extensions"

happy with

"this very fast delivery service item is very great quality and is as perfect colour on hair just like the box explains happy with it"

very important

"the last part of the dye application is very important"

absolutely love in both products

"this has turned my hair into a gorgeous silver colour and i absolutely love it!"

excellent product in both products

"excellent product very vibrant very impressed how well it takes to the hair i would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to go red 😁"

very pleased in both products

"very very pleased"

brilliant colour in both products

"brilliant colour"

brilliant product in both products

"brilliant product"

amazing colour in both products

"amazing colour and simple to use definitely worth the money"

very bright in both products

"flamingo pink and it’s very bright and just a hot pink"

amazing results in both products

"amazing results!"

really good in both products

"really good value for money and a lovely colour"

amazing product in both products

"amazing product only used half a tub"

great results in both products

"nice smell and easy to use left it on for 20mins and got great results that faded on washing twice a week for about six weeks but a shading after that remains"

good colour in both products

"good colour about 3 weeks longevity"

highly recommend in both products

"highly recommend!"

lovely colour in both products

"really good value for money and a lovely colour"

love the colour in both products

"lasts a good 5 washes love the colour"

vibrant and true in both products

"its so vibrant and true to colour"

bright and vibrant in both products

"its so bright and vibrant and takes so long to fade"

nice smell in both products

"nice smell and easy to use left it on for 20mins and got great results that faded on washing twice a week for about six weeks but a shading after that remains"

good price in both products

"arrived fast and was a good price would buy from blue banana next time as would work out cheaper when buying bulk due to p&p"

great price in both products

": so easy love this brand and great price!"

really well in both products

"it took really well to my hair"

fast delivery in both products

"easy to use fast delivery & makes hair soft!"

looks great in both products

"second try with leaving it on for three hours and the colour looks great and strong"

very quickly in both products

"mandarin is quite yellow and washes out very quickly 2 stars rose red is wonderful lasts a long time and fades to a lovely peach 5 stars mixed together they make a pretty dark orange that lasts a little longer than the mandarin on its own"

smells nice in both products

"it smells nice too which is always a bonus!"

definitely worth in both products

"definitely worth it!"

purple colour in both products

"ordered the dark tulip left on for 45 minutes after reading other reviews and it came out a really nice purple colour"

pretty good in both products

"pretty good!"

pretty well in both products

"takes a while to wash out but lasts quite long on bleached hair and even colours normal hair pretty well"

good value in both products

"washed out fast and just not good value for money"

actual colour in both products

"the actual colour is a bit of a surprise in pictures it looks red in daylight more of a deep pink and purple in dim lighting"

really nice in both products

"a really nice golden egg yolk yellow"

very happy in both products

"very happy"

with results in both products

"very happy with results!"

great coverage in both products

"love this dye great coverage and always brilliant colour"

silky smooth in both products

"i love this dye it washes out quite quickly but the colour is awesome i have dark hair but bleached for this my bleaching was awful so the lilac is a bit patchy but it's a lush colour and it made my hair feel silky smooth after the bleach just love it!"

even better in both products

"really pretty colour way brighter than i thought it would be but that just makes it even better"

very impressed in both products

"excellent product very vibrant very impressed how well it takes to the hair i would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to go red 😁"

bright colour in both products

"produced a good bright colour on untreated natural blonde hair"

highly recommended in both products

"this is a great product which is affordable and highly recommended"

buying again in both products

"am buying again"

recommend this in both products

"i'd definitely recommend this to a friend"

works great in both products

"this works great!"

very strong in both products

"the color payoff is really nice but the staying power i not very strong and they fade pretty much after the first wash but i think that is to be expected from semi permanent colors"

hair colour in both products

"when i was hanging out with a friend of mine a few weeks back i fell in love with her bright orange top and it was what i wanted as a hair colour"

absolutely beautiful

"absolutely beautiful colour the 1st one didn't arrive but i got one a few days later extremely quick responses from the seller and its a beautiful color!"

gorgeous silver colour

"this has turned my hair into a gorgeous silver colour and i absolutely love it!"

absolutely stunning

"and the colour is absolutely stunning so chuffed with it"

very beautiful

"la riche dyes work so quickly and are so easy to use if instructions are followed it gives a very beautiful colour that is longer lasting than other semi permenant dyes"

always brilliant

"love this dye great coverage and always brilliant colour"

packaging perfect

"came quickly packaging perfect and looked as described"

incredibly vibrant

"and the colour of my hair is still incredibly vibrant and very very pink!"

most amazing

"the most amazing product for blonde hair"

stunning colour

"stunning colour exactly what i was looking for i think it's the nicest red in the range"

favourite toner

"this is my favourite toner to get yellowness out of my blonde"

best results

"i can imagine the best results are definitely achieved on pre lightened and bleached hair but this shows that some still can work quite successfully on natural hair"

wonderful colour

"this was a wonderful colour very pigmented and rich"

great consistency

"really easy to apply with a dye brush great consistency so no mess and a really vibrant green colour even when not pre bleached"

nice bedding

"i got a nice even result i knew my bleached ends would be mega bright of course however i could only whole heartedly recommend if you never a ☔ get caught in the rain b ⛹️‍♀️work up a sweat c 🏊‍♀️ swim d like nice bedding"

super moisturing

"it applied really easily smells fine and felt super moisturing"

super pigmented

"i usually use the cerise pink one and it's super pigmented and the tub lasts forever because you only need a small bit mixed with conditioner"

marked down

"i marked down for longevity as this is only a semi permanent dye so is to be expected and i guess depends on how often you wash your hair"

super colour

"super colour"

favourite hair

"favourite hair dye by far colours are always so vibrant"

amazing and so bright

"love this colour amazing and so bright i alway use directions would not use anything else"

very vibrant and

"its very vibrant and fun"

love love love

"love love love how easy this is too use"

colour is gorgeous

"the colour is gorgeous and it stays for a good amount of time compared to other dyes i've used"

best and brightest

"poppy is by far the best and brightest shade of red i've tried including professional colours i've paid 10 times more for at the hairdressers "

arrived nicely

"item arrived nicely packed"

nice consistency

"it's a nice consistency and makes my hair feel so soft afterwards too!"

it's brilliant

"but it's brilliant!"

highly pigmented

"better than those found on the high street been using this for years and is highly pigmented"

highly bleached

"my hair is highly bleached almost white and this barely touched my hair"

poppy red is perfect

"poppy red is perfect and turquoise is just such a pretty shade"

best white anything

"the dye does come off fairly well from most things btw eventually but don't risk your best white anything for goodness sake!"

great loved

"overall it’s great loved the colour"

excellent coverage

"i applied onto damp hair that has been previously bleached and dyed my hair colour was grey blue purple all of which was la riche and hasn't been touched since my wedding in early february has excellent coverage would highly recommend"

daughter loved

"daughter loved it"

lovely pigment

"lovely pigment but didn’t catch onto the main part of my hair except the ends"

good toner

"good toner"

blue is amazing

"absolutely love directions hair dye and this blue is amazing!"

turned out pink

"however despite the description it turned out pink!"

works best

"probably works best on super light natural hair or previously dyed hair"

great toner

"great toner buy two and leave it on for longer than suggested especially if your hair has just been bleached and is still very yellow "

well bleached

"great colour when applied to well bleached hair but faded quicker than i hoped"

definately bright

"it is definately bright purple"

rose gold colour

"i mix this with a the brands pink to create a rose gold colour on my bleached hair"

genuine people

"💪how do we know if something's any good unless genuine people leave reviews?"

looks amazing

"luckily her current headteacher is absolutely fine about and thinks it looks amazing"

works well

"definitely works well on bleached hair and covers up previous light colours"

fairly quickly

"as with all semi permanent colour it will fade and wash out fairly quickly but the thing with this product is that it still looks good when it does begin to fade"

good instructions

"there are good instructions on their website which was what i followed"

generous amount

"added pea size amount of the dye to generous amount of hair conditioner with few drops of green food colouring and left it on my hair for 15 mins"

love these

"i love these"

looks good

"as with all semi permanent colour it will fade and wash out fairly quickly but the thing with this product is that it still looks good when it does begin to fade"

professional colours

"poppy is by far the best and brightest shade of red i've tried including professional colours i've paid 10 times more for at the hairdressers "

european languages

"i love this product however you would be stuck if you only spoke english as all the directions are in european languages"

pride parade

"the colour range enough to rainbow your think you were at a gay pride parade"

noticeable shine

"love this colour i mixed it with the silver semi_ permanent and the result was a stunning dark violet it also added a noticeable shine to my hair "

nice shade

"the colour gradually faded but stayed a nice shade of pink"

good alternative

"it's a good alternative to using toner and peroxide for yellowed hair"

looks stunning

"it looks stunning"

super light

"i have very light blonde bleached hair and i use a white toner so it is super light at the moment"

blonde streak

"i previously had a blonde streak which i bleached i'm naturally brunette though it was slightly orange"

best coloured

"it's the best coloured hair dye i've ever found"

nice condition

"used the product on fairly light bleached ombre hair and left it on for about 30 45 and the colour came out a lovely pastel pink not patchy and left my hair in a nice condition unlike some semi permanent colourants"

love directions

"i love directions and the colour was great"

really quickly

"seller was also great responded to my question and solved it really quickly"

added directions

"the hair dresser bleached a balayage and added directions colour to it"

natural streaks

"my hair is light brown with very light blonde natural streaks and i have bleach on my lengths"

sensitive scalp

"however i have a sensitive scalp and i experience no iritation with this brand"

luminous pink

"my highlighted bits went luminous pink"

lovely blue

"but the terrible part was that it bled in the shower and the lovely blue in my hair was completely gone after washing!"

fiery pink

"instead it's quite a rosy purple colour and my golden ends are now a fiery pink that looks very pretty"

super pink

"after a day of work the whole side of my face was super pink!"

with warm water

"i rinsed out as much as i could with warm water really make sure you're massaging your scalp and hairline to avoid any leftover dye showing"

nice light orange

"mandarin was perfect great staying power fades gradually to a nice light orange"

brave enough

"i used the violet on bleached hair finally been brave enough at 45 to bleach my hair!"

cerise colour

"i went with the cerise colour just cos since turning 40 and discovering a grey hair or two i needed something bold"

lilac colour

"i didn't expect the wisteria to look so nice but it was a lovely silvery lilac colour on my hair and i had so many compliments"

purplish colour

"this colour comes out as a pinkish purplish colour i like it!"

rouge colour

"great to top up my majicontrast rouge colour between dyes"

intenser colour

"this is of no fault to the product i apply it knowingly and so always go for a darker intenser colour than i want"

reddish colour

"this turned out a lovely reddish colour the last photo uploaded "

tangerine colour

"next up was the tangerine colour"

fthe colour

"the rinsing part o fthe proceedure managed to remove most o fthe colour"

bleach colour

"it was faded a lot and still has the bleach colour coming through which colouring won’t get rid of"

excellent value

"great product and excellent value"

will probably

"however it faded to a green colour which still actually looks pretty great on her and will probably need cutting out before heading to secondary school in september"

lovely earning

"if you havent completely fried your hair i can imagine this colour would have great staying power and it is lovely earning me lots of people coming over to admire it but be warned you have be sporting green hair for some time after"

strong hold

"i have used these colours on and off for years and would highly recommend them for a strong hold"

added great

"i washed my hair with a silver toning shampoo and conditioner as it added great highlights towards the end when it started to fade"

more vibrant

"however poppy is more vibrant and exactly the shade i wanted"

cherry colour

"as a lovely cherry colour"

beautiful color

"absolutely beautiful colour the 1st one didn't arrive but i got one a few days later extremely quick responses from the seller and its a beautiful color!"

useful or interesting

"😉 please tap "helpful" ⬇️ if my review has been useful or interesting"

prefer this

"either way for a semi permanent colour i prefer this over other brands"

vibrant purple

"it came out a beautiful vibrant purple"

vibrant fuchsia

"the darker parts have faded a fair bit and the excess dye on my scalp has gone the ends remain vibrant fuchsia"

perfect colours

"overall i am fairly happy with the results although the white toner doesn't go vey far i used a whole tub and my jar is shoulder length but the lilac and purple that i mixed with conditioner were the perfect colours for my hair and am quite happy with the overall results"

amazing colours

"i have gone many colours with direction and it's always gone amazing colours the lilac however doesn't show as great as the others"

fairly happy

"overall i am fairly happy with the results although the white toner doesn't go vey far i used a whole tub and my jar is shoulder length but the lilac and purple that i mixed with conditioner were the perfect colours for my hair and am quite happy with the overall results"

soft and shiny

"my hair is soft and shiny"

great item

"great item and fast delivery"

really effectively

"i always bleach my hair before using these products to acheive best results and many of the bright bold colours have worked really effectively in thr past and are so easy to use top up "

lovely condition

"applying product smelt lovely left my hair in lovely condition"

very pretty

"instead it's quite a rosy purple colour and my golden ends are now a fiery pink that looks very pretty"

very reasonable

"coverage was even and at a very reasonable price i can't complain too much on the colour as it did the job perfectly and hair ended up brown not green after applying the box kit"

with colour

"i have tried many products to colour my grey and have a bit of fun with colour"

quick and efficient

"amazon delivery was quick and efficient as always"

regular colour

"love this dye its my regular colour now!"

pleasant surprise

"works ok on light brown hair which was a pleasant surprise"

lovely shade

"the brown has gone a lovely shade"

very affordable

"this is by far the best hair dye brand i’ve ever used and it’s very affordable i live by this dye 100% this photo was taken just after dying on bleached hair and days later it’s still holding the same colour"

feeling nice

"nice vibrant colour easy to apply and leaves hair feeling nice and soft after bleaching the cr p outta it haha"

perfect condition

"arrived quickly in the post and was in perfect condition"

topped up my colour

"great red colour topped up my colour as it was starting to go orange turned out great will defintly buy this again"

many thanks

"many thanks"

brown colour

"i have a section of hair that i colour bright red the rest being a chestnut brown colour and previously found the la riche shade pillarbox the purest red colour"

very inexpensive

"easy to use and very inexpensive however its very much a wash in wash out product"

shiny colour

"really deep shiny colour and pleased to think it’s more natural than other offerings!"

staying power

"if this isn't a problem for you i would say it has excellent staying power and is quite amazing looking on!"

relatively quickly

"it does wash out relatively quickly but i'm talking weeks and you get a hue for a while still"

strong pigment

"i've used almost all of these colours and it's very hit and miss for me the lagoon blue and bright pink shades work very well cover and have strong pigment but this one most of the purples tbh was streaky and patchy as anything"

lasting kind

"really great quality and long lasting kind of stains the hair a little but does fade so you can get rid of it if you want to"

bright of course

"i got a nice even result i knew my bleached ends would be mega bright of course however i could only whole heartedly recommend if you never a ☔ get caught in the rain b ⛹️‍♀️work up a sweat c 🏊‍♀️ swim d like nice bedding"

fairly cheap

"fairly cheap "

good amount

"the colour is gorgeous and it stays for a good amount of time compared to other dyes i've used"

unique colour

"so i decided to use 'tulip' and applied it for 90 mins of course there's no point in hoping it will come anything close to the swatch above but it's still a really nice unique colour"

well packed

"needed it urgently after bleaching disaster and my hair turned brassy orange red ordered it through prime same day and got it around 7pm well packed"

lasts 3 4 weeks

"good if you have light coloured hair lasts 3 4 weeks if not desired colour to remove use washing up liquid"

amazing service

"amazing service seriously thanks for delivering it so fast it arrived one day before the estimated date"

light & bright

"couldn't decide between multiple shades of pink so went for this one because it seemed light & bright enough without being too orangey salmoney something i wanted to avoid at all costs"

should easily

"i have bleached streaks and i should easily be able to get five uses out of this little tub for dyeing them"

longer lasting

"la riche dyes work so quickly and are so easy to use if instructions are followed it gives a very beautiful colour that is longer lasting than other semi permenant dyes"

cleaned immediately

"vibrant colour easy to use prompt delivery but do follow instructions as this product stains all it comes into contact with if not cleaned immediately your bathroom fittings will have a nice pink tinge"

conditioning qualities

"i have to say though the hair dye has conditioning qualities"

bright purple

"good colour at first but as u wash it it goes bright purple"

bright turquoise

"this colour is far more blue than lilac and washes out to a bright turquoise or green colour on bleached hair"

good brand

"it’s lightened significantly since i’ve washed it twice though directions is a good brand and trust it"

both photos

"both photos are in natural light but the one on the left was on a grey day and was the same day it had been dyed"

their turquoise color

"i should add that their turquoise color works great"

suprinsingly quick

"arrived the next day which was suprinsingly quick!"

great seller

"great seller too many thanks"

rose brown

"nice and peachy i added it to my light brown to make it rose brown"

lovely conditioning

"lovely conditioning dye great colour"

much better

"however the colour has come out really nicely much better than i expected"

quite well

"this colour is quite subtle but i think if you had white blonde hair it would show up quite well my hair is dark blonde and it had a subtle lilac tint to it"

bought colour

"having read other reviews about the need to leave it on for about 2 hours i left it on for 1 hr my hair it quite porous but the result was subtle but i was pleased because i'd stupidity put a permanent shop bought colour in dark ash blonde over my highlighted dark blonde hair and i got horrible brassy roots and khaki ends"

semi permanent colour

"either way for a semi permanent colour i prefer this over other brands"

worked lovely

"worked lovely"

amazing idea

"so lc bring out this amazing idea which i'm all for except i refuse to pay £15 +pp for tint "

went ahead

"i then went ahead and applied the flamingo pink as per the instructions and wow what a vibrant colour"

green colour

"however it faded to a green colour which still actually looks pretty great on her and will probably need cutting out before heading to secondary school in september"

highlighted bits

"my highlighted bits went luminous pink"

naturally light

"i would warn caution if applying on bleached hair may have no issues however if you hair is naturally light"

very potent

"brilliant and very potent just a little bit of it turned my whole yellowish hair turquoise :"

prompt delivery

"vibrant colour easy to use prompt delivery but do follow instructions as this product stains all it comes into contact with if not cleaned immediately your bathroom fittings will have a nice pink tinge"

nice bright pink

"nice bright pink on my highlights which fades after the second wash to a softer rose colour"

save the rest

"vibrant colour long lasting handy to be able to use what you like and save the rest for another time if you don 't use it all"

lightened significantly

"it’s lightened significantly since i’ve washed it twice though directions is a good brand and trust it"

luminous peachy orange

"i used less than quarter of this tub with most of an aussie conditioner and ended up luminous peachy orange!"

pleased overall

"pleased overall"

recommend buying

"the small pot is perfect for me as i only have a streak so i highly recommend buying 3 4 pots if you are toning your whole head of hair"

being totally clear

"and it leaches on to everything even just by touching your hair you will end up with dye on your nails and this is despite the water being totally clear after dying is complete"

took brilliantly

"was recommended this one and was sceptical but it took brilliantly!"

opposed to the time

"i left it on for an hour as opposed to the time suggested as this gets better results but i have to say that i was very disappointed with the outcome"

real colour

"no real colour pay off"

bright bold colours

"i always bleach my hair before using these products to acheive best results and many of the bright bold colours have worked really effectively in thr past and are so easy to use top up "

adds a bit of depth

"it did go more green than turquoise on the bits that were more gingery when bleached but it just adds a bit of depth to the colour"

most noticeable

"this was the colour that had the most noticeable transference onto clothes and my bed pillow"

weeks thanks

"the colour lasted for weeks thanks you washing her hair with baby shampoo"

several different brands

"i have tried several different brands and la riche directions is by far the most superior out there the colours are vibrant and last"

recommend bleaching

"to get a really nice blue green colour i recommend bleaching then using apple green followed by atlantic blue"

liked the outcome

"easy to apply i liked the outcome"

incredibly soft

"made my hair incredibly soft as well which i didn't expect"

stain easily

"only problem i find is it stain easily but does come out alright"

deep fuchsia

"i got a lovely shiny rich burgundy on the light brown parts and bright deep fuchsia on my bleached lengths and lighter bits"

nice even result

"i got a nice even result i knew my bleached ends would be mega bright of course however i could only whole heartedly recommend if you never a ☔ get caught in the rain b ⛹️‍♀️work up a sweat c 🏊‍♀️ swim d like nice bedding"

will turn pink

"ps if you have a dry scalp dandruff like me avoid touching it with this or it will turn pink!"

become very light

"so as it's washed out my hair had become very light"

smells nice as well

"very good toner smells nice as well"

recommended this

"firstly i was recommended this as toner for my somewhat ginger hair"

bright hair colours

"i love bright hair colours"

worth the money

"amazing colour and simple to use definitely worth the money"

become vibrant

"this is all natural and don’t be expecting dark hair to magically become vibrant just by using this!"

vivid colour

"have used this brand for years on n off it's a little hard to find these days unfortunately but it gives a really good vivid colour that does not fade and is very easy to use"

fave colour

"my fave colour in directions"

excess colour

"it's worth saying that most of this excess colour is probably coming from my bleached lengths as it's more porous of course and if your hair is all previoisly undyed it probably won't be quite so dramatic"

color payoff

"the color payoff is really nice but the staying power i not very strong and they fade pretty much after the first wash but i think that is to be expected from semi permanent colors"

interesting plum brown

"i applied it over purple and blonde hair and it lasts much shorter time over the purple and fades to an interesting plum brown but it stays vibrant with the blonde before fading to a sky blue"

favourite blue hair

"my absolute favourite blue hair dye"

quick delivery

"quick delivery and sufficiently packaged"

colour is woww

"love this make and the colour is woww"

followed instruction

"amazing followed instruction except i left it on for half an hour and its lush!"

great cooler

"great cooler works well"

lovely lilac shade

"silky soft hair in a lovely lilac shade !"

love directions colours

"love directions colours always takes really well"

Compare Emotion analysis

L’Oreal Paris Colorista Effect Bleach Kit, Permanent, Hair Bleach, A..

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

34.1% 27.4% 38.5%
  worry 30.5%
  neutral 27.2%
  happiness 16.4%
  sadness 4.9%
  relief 4.6%
  fun 4.6%
  surprise 3.3%
  love 3.3%
  anger 1.5%
  enthusiasm 1.0%
  fear 0.8%
  joy 0.8%
  hate 0.8%
  empty 0.3%
La Riche Directions Alpine Green Semi-Permanent Hair Colour

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

29.2% 38.5% 32.3%
  neutral 38.1%
  worry 27.8%
  happiness 15.3%
  fun 4.2%
  relief 3.7%
  love 3.2%
  sadness 3.0%
  surprise 1.9%
  anger 0.7%
  enthusiasm 0.5%
  empty 0.5%
  hate 0.5%
  joy 0.5%
  fear 0.2%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2025-03-05